

Impressum for customers in Germany, Austria, or Switzerland TASKA Prosthetics GmbH Rundfunkplatz 2 80335 Munich +49 89 9952 9719

Geschäftsführer/MD: Neil John Stephen Commercial Register Mannheim HRB 261884 Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer für den innergemeinschaftlichen Warenverkehr/ tax identification number: DE 337761071

Enforcement of the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG): WEEE-Reg.-Nr. DE 41677746

Enforcement of the Battery Act (BattG): Batt-Reg.-Nr. DE 71926193

Company registered in Italy to the EEE Register N. IT23020000014612 Company registered in Italy to the waste batteries-accumulators Register N° IT23020P00008492

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