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"Now, I find people no longer feel awkward about addressing my disability, and instead are simply fascinated by the technology."

Rik Walker, bionic dad, TASKA Champion.

"Nowadays, I’m just like all the other dads…maybe even a little bit cooler, given I’m the only one with a bionic arm!"

When software tester Rik Walker flew from his motorcycle and crashed shoulder-first into a lamppost, his right hand (and much of the arm) was left paralysed. He lived like that for the better part of 15 years before making what was, in his own words, the ‘best decision of his life’ when he chose to have the hand amputated.

When Rik was first fitted with his TASKA Hand there were, understandably, some significant adjustments to make – after all, he had spent a decade-and-a-half using one arm. But, in the space of just two to three weeks, the movements had become intuitive and his life had changed dramatically!

"I’d always been very conscious of my arm", says Rik, "and would get very anxious when I had to interact with other people. But not anymore. Now, I find people no longer feel awkward about addressing my disability, and instead are simply fascinated by the technology."

"To be honest, I don’t even think about all those little day-to-day tasks any more – I just do them."

The impact of the TASKA Hand has been profound, touching every aspect of Rik’s life. "I even feel like I’m a better father", he says. "Nowadays, I’m just like all the other dads…maybe even a little bit cooler, given I’m the only one with a bionic arm!"

In terms of everyday life, things couldn’t feel more normal. "To be honest, I don’t even think about all those little day-to-day tasks any more – I just do them. I help around the house, cook dinner for the family, and even played a key role in the renovation of our home. The introduction of the TASKA Hand into my life has been a truly empowering experience!"

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